Bart wachsen mann vollbart tipps

Bartwachstum meistern:
Der ultimative Guide für Anfänger

Bartwachstum meistern:
Der ultimative Guide für Anfänger

Träumst Du davon, einen vollen Bart zu züchten, weisst aber nicht, wo Du anfangen sollst? Unser umfassender Leitfaden bietet dir alles, was du wissen musst, um deinen Bartwuchs zu fördern und zu pflegen.

Willkommen in der Welt des Bartwachstums, einem Abenteuer, das Geduld, Sorgfalt und das richtige Know-how erfordert. Viele Männer träumen von einem vollen, gepflegten Bart, doch der Weg dorthin kann manchmal rätselhaft sein. In diesem Guide klären wir den Prozess und bieten Dir eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, um Deinen Bartwuchs zu maximieren und gleichzeitig gängige Probleme wie Juckreiz zu bewältigen.

Was passiert eigentlich, wenn der Bart wächst?

Jedes Barthaar durchläuft drei Hauptwachstumsphasen: Anagen (Wachstum), Katagen (Übergang) und Telogen (Ruhe), danach folgt ein Neustart der Anagen Phase.

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Die Anagen-Phase, in der das Haar aktiv wächst, kann von einigen Monaten bis zu mehreren Jahren dauern und ist genetisch bedingt. Falls du bisher noch keinen Bart getragen hast, kennst du sicherlich das Gefühl nach wenigen Tagen, wenn die kurze Stoppel des Bartes auf einmal anfangen zu jucken. Genau hier beginnt die Anagen Phase. Keine Sorge, dass mit dem Juckreiz im Bart bekommen wir schnell in den Griff, neben der richtigen Ernährung spielt auch die richtige Pflege in der Anagen Phase eine wichtige Rolle. Sie können das Wachstum in dieser Phase unterstützen und sogar fördern. Im Folgenden haben wir dir 5 Tipps aufgeführt, die dich in deiner Wachstum Phase begleiten und unterstützen werden.

5 Tipps für einen erfolgreichen Bartwuchs

1. Die Grundlage schaffen: Saubere Haut, gesunder Bart:

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Der erste Schritt zu einem gesunden Bart ist die richtige Reinigung. Schmutz, überschüssiges Öl und tote Hautzellen können die Poren verstopfen und Hautirritationen verursachen. Die Folgen sind Juckreiz und Entzündungen. Ein sauberer Bart und die saubere Haut darunter sind essenziell für ein gesundes Wachstum. Achte darauf, dass du dir eine natürliche Seife oder ein Bartshampoo ohne Silikone kaufst. Silikone legen sich über das Haar und lassen es unfassbar gut anfühlen, leider verkommen die Haare jedoch nach einiger Zeit, da sie wie in einer Hülle eingesperrt sind. Also lass die Finger davon und investiere lieber ein paar Euro mehr für eine natürliche Seife. Mehr zu schädlichen Inhaltsstoffen im Bart erfährst du hier.

Ich empfehle dir, deinen Bart nicht häufiger als alle 2-3 Tage mit einer Seife zu reinigen, zu häufiges Waschen mit Seife und Shampoo kann die natürliche Ölschicht der Haut angreifen und führt zu noch mehr Juckreiz. Ich habe dir schon gesagt, jeder Anfang ist schwer, umso besser, dass du jetzt hier bist! By th way hier erfährst du übrigens, wie man Seife richtig anwendet.

2. Boost für dein Bartwachstum: Das Geheimnis des Peelings:

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Ein wöchentliches Peeling entfernt tote Hautzellen und fördert die Durchblutung, was wiederum das Wachstum anregt, und Juckreiz mindert. Gute Nachrichten für dich, das Peeling kannst du in wenigen Minuten zu Hause herstellen und ich bin mir sicher, du hast alle Zutaten dafür in deinem Vorratsschrank. Hier geht es zu unserem DIY-Bartpeeling aus Kaffee, es eignet sich auch für den kompletten Körper, deine Haut wird es dir danken!

3. Feuchtigkeit und Nährstoffe: Das A und O für deinen Bart mit Bartöl:

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Nach der Reinigung ist es wichtig, deinen Bart und die Haut darunter zu nähren. Am besten gelingt das mit einem Bartöl, hier erhältst du nicht nur wichtige Nährstoffe, sondern auch Feuchtigkeit, die für einen gesunden, geschmeidigen Bart unerlässlich sind. Beim Kauf eines Bartöls lohnt es sich einen Blick auf die Inhaltsstoffe zu werfen. Es sollte eine gesunde Mischung aus verschiedenen Naturölen haben. Duftstoffe sollten möglichst weit hinten stehen und Wasser hat in einem pflegenden Öl für den Bart wirklich nichts zu suchen.  Unser Bartöl besteht aus Arganöl, Jojobaöl, Mandelöl, Hanfsamenöl und Sojaöl. Jedes Öl erfüllt dabei eine wichtige Aufgabe. Wenn du mehr über unser Bartöl wissen möchtest, klicke gerne hier. Und falls du dir eventuell selbst ein Bartöl herstellen möchtest haben wir hier (( ) den perfekten Guide für dein DIY Bartöl!

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Bartöl Protect | Best care for the beard
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Bartöl Protect | Best care for the beard

Bartöl Protect | Best care for the beard


Effective natural beard oil with a unique scent

  • Noticeable soft beard hair
  • no more annoying and stubborn beard stubble
  • Consists of ⅜ Moroccan argan oil 
  • Reduces itching in the growth phase
  • Smells wonderfully of the typical GØLD’s signature scent
  • Care for the 3-Take-Bart up to full beard 
  • Donate the skin under the beard humidity
  • Improves the Combability of beard hair
  • Made from natural cold-pressed oils
  • Absorbs quickly, leaves no “greasy film”
  • anti-inflammatory and calming 
  • Vegan and consistent packed up 

Over 100,000 Bartole have many unique ones bearded man made happy

    Buy now: Beard oil from GØLD’s, nourishes the beard hair and gives the beard a breathtaking scent 

    The small, brownish, mystical pharmacy bottle with a rubber pipette is a real eye-catcher and contains one of the best beard care oils there is. It smells amazing and cares for the beard particularly well. Since our beard oil is very rich in natural oils, the integrated pipette is ideal for taking the right dose for your beard length and not wasting anything. It is a real pleasure to apply the oil to the beard and skin. It spreads easily and leaves no greasy residue. If you use it regularly, your beard will feel softer and look healthier. It also acts as a natural protection against your beard drying out. 

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    Our beard oil is the perfect combination of care and style. It not only provides your beard with excellent care, but also leaves the beard smelling wonderful. With this product you will look well-groomed and attractive every day!

    Our quality standards are very high and we guarantee you a unique product. Our beard oil consists of natural ingredients that give the beard strength and suppleness. The beard care oil is long-lasting, helps the beard and skin to regenerate and makes it more resistant to cold and heat. Treat yourself to something good and put together your personal beard care package. Our beard oil is the perfect beard care product for a beautiful, healthy beard and is therefore a must-have in every bathroom! 

    vollbart bartöl anwendung bart pflegen

    What you should know about GØLD’s Beard Oil Protect

    Our beard oil is unique because it nourishes the beard hair from deep within while protecting the skin beneath the beard. It is specially designed to protect beard hair from roughness and fragility. It also leaves an extremely pleasant feeling on the skin without weighing it down. Our beard care oil makes the beard hair softer and smoother and gives it a natural shine. With its moisturizing and regenerating effect, the beard oil is the perfect solution for every beard wearer to keep his facial mane and the skin underneath always looking well-groomed. Our beard oil also has an exceptionally good scent. You can find out more about this below. 

    That's why beard oil is so important for the skin

    Beard oil is not only good for your beard hair, but especially for your skin. Your skin is under your beard and hardly receives any oxygen, moisture or nutrients. Your skin under your beard will sound the alarm sooner or later. This manifests itself primarily in constant itching and dandruff that spreads through your full beard. Your skin produces oily sebum itself, but this is absorbed into your beard hair when you brush in the morning. There is little left for the skin, which is why it eventually dries out, flakes and itches. Our Beard Oil Protect is rich in argan and almond oil, which your skin can absorb excellently and provides it with lots of moisture. With just a few drops of beard oil you give your skin everything it needs. The beard oil lies like a film on the skin and quickly relieves the itching. 

    Beard oil softens stubborn, prickly beard hair and makes the beard hair shine

    Beard hair is naturally thicker, more stubborn and bristly than the hair on your head. The beard hair is also usually curled. It is also characteristic that your beard hair is a bit prickly in contrast to the hair on your head, which will particularly bother your partner. As your beard grows, the tips of your beard hair quickly dry out and become brittle. There can no longer be any question of a beautiful shine and suppleness in the beard. 

    Use a few drops of our beard oil once or twice a day Protect to strengthen your unruly beard hairs and transform them into a slightly shiny and soft beard. The natural vegetable oils provide your beard with everything it needs to stay healthy and supple. These include protective and nourishing vitamins, moisture, fat and other valuable nutrients. Your partner will also love a soft, well-smelling beard and will certainly give you a few cuddles. 

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    Proper use of beard oil 
    Beard oil is a daily beard care product that you should give your beard. How often you use it depends on your skin and hair structure - for some, one dose in the morning is enough, others need a little oil both morning and evening. So experiment until you find your optimal care routine. The recommended dosage also depends on the length of the beard and can be found on the packaging of the beard oil. If you want to have a super soft beard on special days, then we recommend you here our secret trick!

    You should get over that Bartpflege knowledge!


    Let's get to the most important point: What does GØLD's Protect Beard Oil smell like? 

    You'll love the mysterious, magical scent of GØLD's Beard Oil! Our composition of oriental spices, hay, rose and citrus nuances will not only take your breath away! Did you know that scents can affect our mood? That's exactly why we chose the scents shown above in beard oil. The scent of freshly mown hay is unique, the deep, intense scent of freshly mown flower meadows creates summer feelings and gives you a nice, intense feeling of summer evenings even in the colder seasons. The light nuances of oriental spices bring a strong tone to the scent, which gives the beard oil a masculine note. You're not the only one who will appreciate this scent infinitely. The floral scent of the rose fits like a glove with the hay and the oriental note. Rose is said to have a particularly positive effect on the psyche and keep your thoughts and balance. Last but not least, we have added a fresh component of citrus fruits to our fragrance, which gives off a fresh note.


    The Beard Oil Protect Massive is made with more than five high-quality natural carrier oils, such as Argan oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, hemp seed oil and soybean oil Mistake. These natural oils in beard oil form a perfect symbiosis and guarantee you excellent and deep care for your magnificent beard and the facial skin underneath. The ingredients of GØLD's Beard Oil Protect are a real power package.

    Argan oil - the perfect oil for your beard 

    Argan oil is a true miracle cure for almost every type of skin and hair. It provides moisture and shine for dry, sensitive, oily, impure or medium skin as well as for brittle, brittle beard hair or split ends. GØLD’s beard oil consists of ⅜ pure argan oil. Growing and producing argan oil is very time-consuming and expensive. It is not for nothing that it is sometimes the most expensive natural oil for cosmetic applications. 

    Jojoba oil is particularly easy to absorb into the skin

    Jojoba oil is one of the most tolerable beard oils and is well tolerated by people with sensitive skin or allergies. It helps to keep the moisture in the skin balanced, relieves itching and ensures even moisturization.

    Almond oil for nourished skin under the beard

    Almond oil is an excellent natural oil that is also particularly suitable for dry, sensitive and irritated skin. Almond oil also penetrates particularly well into the deep layers of the skin and provides them with an additional dose of care. It can also make dull, brittle or brittle hair shiny, supple and elastic. 

    Hemp seed oil - The secret weapon for beard growth

    Hemp seed oil is a real secret weapon in our beard oil. With its anti-inflammatory properties, it is ideal for nourishing and regenerating dry and irritated skin. It also has an antibacterial effect and can therefore prevent skin irritations. Ideal when it comes to caring for sensitive skin. Hemp seed oil works particularly well during the growth phase, as it relieves the stressed skin under the beard, supplies it with moisture and allows it to relax.


    Capacity: 30 ml

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    4. Auf die Form kommt es an: Trimmen ist Pflicht beim Bartwachsen lassen:

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    Ein gepflegter Bart benötigt regelmäßiges Trimmen. Das sorgt nicht nur für eine gleichmäßige Länge, sondern hilft auch dabei, dass dein Bart währen der Wachstumsphase weiterhin gut aussieht. Profi Tipp: Am besten lässt du deinen Bart die ersten zwei Wochen einfach mal wachsen. Suche dann einen guten Friseur oder Barbier auf und lasse dir die erste Form in deinen Bart bringen. Der Barber oder Friseur kann dich auch beraten, welcher Bartstil dir besonders gutstehen könnte. Das ist besonders wichtig, da genetisch nicht jeder mit vollem Bartwuchs gesegnet ist oder nicht jedem ein Vollbart steht.

    5. Die Macht der Bartbürste:

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    Eine qualitativ hochwertige Bartbürste ist unverzichtbar. Sie verteilt nicht nur das Bartöl gleichmäßig, sondern massiert auch die Haut, fördert die Durchblutung und reduziert so den Juckreiz. Eine tägliche Bürstenroutine hält deinen Bart in Bestform. Nutze die Bartbürste ruhig öfters am Tag, gerade in der Wachstumsphase deines Bartes ist das Bürsten gegen Juckreiz allemal besser als sich mit den Händen zu kratzen. Achte beim Kauf deiner Bürste auf Qualität, sie sollte entweder auf festen Wildschweinborsten oder aus veganen Fibreborsten gefertigt werden. Eine Bartbürste mit Plastikborsten hat in deinem Bart nichts zu suche.

    GOELDs Bartbürste Holz Bart Bürste Bartpflege Vollbart
    Beard brush || Boar bristles by GØLD's
    GOELDs Bartbürste Holz Bart Bürste Bartpflege Vollbart
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    GOELDs Bartbürste Holz Bart Bürste Bartpflege Vollbart
    Beard brush || Boar bristles by GØLD's
    GOELDs Bartbürste Holz Bart Bürste Bartpflege Vollbart
    bart in form bringen mit bürste borsten hart

    Beard brush || Boar bristles by GØLD's


    The handy beard brush with boar bristles


    Our new GØLD's beard brush is equipped with boar bristles, which are slightly harder than conventional hair brushes. Thus you stimulate the blood circulation when durchbürsten your beard optimally. This brings the advantage that your roots are strengthened by the beard hair and the beard growth is stimulated. Dead skin scales can be brushed out with the beard brush excellent, which also contribute their part to the itching on the way to a full beard. The combination of beautiful walnut wood and boar bristles makes it the perfect companion for on the go as well as at home.

    Wood: High quality walnut wood, very lightweight making it perfect for on the go.

    Bristles: boar bristles for the optimal massage of your facial skin.

    Bristle thickness: medium to hard


    Measurements: 83mm x 27mm

    Mehr Details
    Beard Brush Vegan | Fibre Bristles by GØLD's
    bartürste produktbild pfeile robust vegan handlich spiegelung bürste fibreborsten
    bartbürste vegan fibre borsten
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    Beard Brush Vegan | Fibre Bristles by GØLD's
    bartürste produktbild pfeile robust vegan handlich spiegelung bürste fibreborsten
    bartbürste vegan fibre borsten
    vegane bart bürste vegane borsten halal

    Beard Brush Vegan | Fibre Bristles by GØLD's



    The brand new beard brush is exactly the right tool for you if you care about renewable materials. The robust handle lies comfortably in your hand due to the fine cut and does not slip a millimeter when brushing. Pear is a tough, hard-to-split wood with a fine texture, but much lighter than comparable beech or oak. Therefore ideally suited to make a nice brush for the beard.

    The so-called fiber bristles are also called Mexikofibre and come from the leaf veins of two different agave species that grow on the Mexican high plateau. Why the fiber of all things? Quite simply, it has extraordinary resistance to various alkalis, acids and high heat. At the same time it is very elastic and has very good water absorption. Even synthetically produced synthetic fibers cannot compete with these wonderful properties.

    Wood: High quality pear wood, extremely light and therefore perfect for brushing.

    Bristles: Fiber bristles for the optimal massage of your facial skin.

    Bristle thickness: medium to hard

    Dimensions: 139mm x 22mm

    Mehr Details

    Bewältigung von Juckreiz und anderen Anfangsschwierigkeiten:

    Neben Juckreiz können auch eingewachsene Haare und Schuppen auftreten. Die regelmäßige Verwendung von Bartöl und das Bürsten des Bartes können helfen, diese Probleme zu vermindern. Für hartnäckigen Juckreiz ist unser Repair Tonic mit Dexpanthenol und Rosmarinöl die Lösung – es lindert nicht nur den Juckreiz, sondern fördert auch ein gesundes Wachstum.

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    Repair Tonic | The elixir for skin & hair 200ml
    Repair Tonic | The elixir for skin & hair 200ml
    Repair Tonic | The elixir for skin & hair 200ml
    Repair Tonic | The elixir for skin & hair 200ml
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    Repair Tonic | The elixir for skin & hair 200ml
    Repair Tonic | The elixir for skin & hair 200ml
    Repair Tonic | The elixir for skin & hair 200ml
    Repair Tonic | The elixir for skin & hair 200ml

    Repair Tonic | The elixir for skin & hair 200ml


    Repair Tonic by GØLD's: Your ultimate ally against dry, itchy and inflamed skin, whether in Bart or on the scalp

    Revolutionary skin and hair care with the Repair Tonic

    Discover that dermatologically tested Repair Tonic from GØLD's, your all-in-one solution against dry, itchy and inflamed skin - be it in Bart or on the scalp. This product is designed to help you effectively fight stubborn skin problems and improve the health of Her and Bart to improve.

    Our Repair Tonic provides the skin with intensive moisture, relieves itching and strengthens the hair roots. It is ideal for anyone under shed, inflamed red spots on the Barthaut or scalp Suffer. The formula is so mild that it also Psoriasis and eczema in the beard hair is certainly applicable.

    The unique combination of panthenol and hair tonic offers an incomparable care experience. It gives your skin a cell boost so it can regenerate faster and reduces puffiness, resulting in smoother and firmer skin.

    Effective beard care with the Repair Tonic

    Are you having trouble with one? itchy, scaly beard? The Repair Tonic von GØLD's is here to help. Our tonic delivers moisture right to the roots of your beard, soothing itching and helping to reduce dandruff. The rich ingredients, including Panax Ginseng Root Extract and Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Extract, nourish the skin under your beard and promote healthy hair growth. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and is particularly mild, which makes it suitable for sensitive skin under the beard.

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    After use you will notice an immediate relief and improvement of the skin under your beard - feel comfortable in your skin and let your beard shine in all its glory!

    Combat dry scalp with the Repair Tonic

    It doesn't matter if you dry scalp, dandruff or inflamed, red patches have to fight that Repair Tonic von GØLD's can help. It supplies them Scalp intensely moisturizedto relieve dryness and itching, while strengthening the hair roots for healthier, stronger hair growth. Our tonic contains panthenol and hair tonic, which give your skin a cell boost and support its regeneration. This leads to a reduction of Schripples and ultimately smoother and firmer skin. With regular use, your scalp look and feel noticeably healthier, and your hair becomes fuller and stronger. Say goodbye to skin irritation and dandruff and look forward to a soothed, well-groomed scalp and strong hair!

    The dermatologically tested Repair Tonic is rich in valuable ingredients

    The Repair Tonic is rich in valuable ingredients such as Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Extract, Panax Ginseng Root Extract and Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extractthat help nourish the skin and activate hair growth. And the best part: He is dermatologically tested and therefore very tolerable.

    GØLD's: quality and care for men

    GØLD's stands for high-quality cosmetic and styling products for men. We developed the Repair Tonic to offer you an effective and practical solution to your skin and hair care problems.

    Try GØLD's Repair Tonic today

    try this Repair Tonic von GØLD's Sign up today and experience the benefits of one hydrated, itch-free skin and strong hair roots! We're confident you'll love the positive changes our Repair Tonic will bring to your skin and hair.


    Easy application of GØLD's Repair Tonic:

    The application of our Repair Tonic is uncomplicated and easy to integrate into your daily care routine. Just follow these steps to get the most out of your Repair Tonic:

    For beard care:

    1. Clean your beard as usual and pat dry.
    2. Apply the Repair Tonic directly to your beard and the skin underneath.
    3. Gently massage in the tonic so that it can penetrate the skin and beard hair well.
    4. Allow the tonic to dry completely before applying other products or combing your beard.

    For hair care:

    1. Wash your hair and towel dry it lightly.
    2. Apply the Repair Tonic directly to the scalp.
    3. Gently massage the tonic in to ensure it is well absorbed into the skin and hair roots.
    4. Let the tonic sit and dry before continuing with your usual hair care routine.

    Tip: For best results, we recommend using the Repair Tonic daily and allowing it to fully absorb into the skin. Also read our detailed article on the subject Itching & Treating Beard Problems. try this Repair Tonic von GØLD's today and experience the difference in your skin and hair care!

    areas of application

    • head hair/scalp
    • bald head/scalp
    • beard/facial skin



      Capacity: 200ml

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      Die 5 häufigsten gestellten Fragen zum Bartwuchs:

      Ein voller Bartzyklus kann 3-6 Monate dauern, abhängig von deiner genetischen Veranlagung und deiner Pflegeroutine.

      Abschluss / Fazit

      Dein Bart ist ein Spiegel deiner Geduld und deiner Hingabe zur Pflege. Mit diesen Tipps und der richtigen Pflegeroutine bist du auf dem besten Weg, den Bart zu züchten, den du dir immer gewünscht hast. Schau dir unsere Produktpalette an, um deine Bartpflege auf das nächste Level zu heben. Viel Erfolg und Spaß beim Bartwachsen lassen.

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      Redakteur: Martin M.