Works like clockwork: shave the perfect bald head with the beard oil soap method

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Sit, Beardo!

Sure, there are some guys out there who look good with their mop of hair and beard.
However, the supreme discipline of the bearer is still: bald head and beard!

This combination is no longer just the last resort for bearded people with a receding hairline that has grown too big. The “Bald Head” in combination with a stately full beard has long since become a classic that radiates one thing above all: pure masculinity!

But the road to get there is pretty bloody. Especially for beginners who try to scrape the stubble off their skulls on their own. So watch out and be careful. The doc brought you something. And a few tips on how to quickly, effectively and, above all, safely bare the top!


Choosing the right razor

Nothing is more important than the right razor. And the Doc knows no compromises. Believe him, little bald beard, Dr. Awesome has really tried every method imaginable. Nevertheless, the doc will be happy to tell you again why, for example, disposable razors or razor blades with several blades are a botch as soon as a bald head is involved. The answer is simple: you get clogged after just one hit! At least if you don't want to shave your head every morning. Then the stubble is short enough. Otherwise, you'll spend more time picking stuff out between the blades than shaving with it. If the stubble is three or four days old, forget it. You will give up in exasperation. In addition, this method costs a lot of money in the long run.

The razor is also not a good choice. Because shaving the back of your head with such a sharp and dangerous knife is almost impossible, even for the best of barbers. Don't even try. It will result in a bloody disaster and scars on the back of your head.

And there we have already arrived: There is only one method that is really suitable for everyday use to shave your skull clean permanently and with little expenditure of time:


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The razor

This device from grandfather's time is and remains the best choice for the task.

The quality of the planer is up to you. This changes the shaving result little, if at all. For a decent stainless steel plane, you pay just 25 to 30 euros online and have an indestructible device that you can take with you in the box. But honestly, little planer-beard, the plastic part from the supermarket checkout will also do. There are sometimes some hanging there. But to be honest: The Doc bought a decent one after a short time. So you can skip this step if you are serious about your baldness!

The choice of blades for this is large. Yes, you heard me right. Bare blades are inserted into the planer and screwed tight. There are extra sharp blades, extra durable blades, and blades that fall somewhere in between. The doc advises you not to buy the things from the supermarket. There are much better ones online for a few bucks that will last you for years.

The Doc himself recommends a couple of normal standard blades, such as those from Astra, until you have some practice. This gives you enough sharpness to get a good shave, but you don't have to worry about cutting yourself every time you touch your skin. The blades are unpacked and can be inserted foolproof into your plane with a screw cap. Screw tight and the part is ready for use!

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The lube

Sounds greasy! It shall be, Beardo. The greasy the better. After all, you want the blade of the plane to slide over your skull as easily and accident-free as possible. Here you are spoiled for choice: Shaving foam from a can? Shaving cream in a tube? shaving lotion? All of this jumps out at you on the supermarket shelf. And all methods work, more or less well.

That's why the Doc has a method ready for you that he uses himself every two days: the oil-soap shave! As a keen student of Dr. Awesome, of course, all already standing around in your bathroom. You only need two things: your beard soap and your beard oil! dr Of course, Awesome itself uses its own brand, the GØLD`s-Bartseife and the Protect-Bartöl of the two Martins. That just works best.


dr Awesome's "Beard Oil Beard Soap Method"

This method combines two unbeatable features that make shaving your head child's play, gentle on your scalp and simply providing the most thorough shaving result.

But first things first, little Razor-Beard. Before you can start the plane, you have to follow three important steps. Slurping forbidden! Otherwise it doesn't work.

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  1. Thoroughly wet your head with hot water. You can do this by standing in the shower, using a washcloth or guest towel, or just your hand. It is important that the water is so hot that you can comfortably stand it. Because the hot water opens the scales of your hair. Don't dry your head.
  2. Take about five to eight drops of beard oil and rub it in your palms. Then you rub the beard oil on your head. Use some force and massage the oil in properly.
  3. Grab your beard soap and lather it up really nice in your hands. Soaps that are overly greasy and produce an extremely fine-pored foam tend to be better suited for this, as the foam penetrates even the smallest pores and scales better. Spread the lather over your oiled head. Don't be fooled by the fact that the layer will only be thin. It's just right for what we want!
  4. Let the mixture soak in. As long as possible without the soap drying too much. dr Awesome, for example, is cleaning his teeth in the meantime. After that, the skull is ready for the plane.
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Proper planing takes practice

Now the time has come! You may swing the planer. Holding the handle almost vertically, start at the front of your hairline and slowly pull backwards. You will notice how easily the blade slides through your hair. And you'll immediately get a feel for when the plane cuts and when it doesn't. The only thing that is important is that you never move the planer sideways. Then blood could flow.

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Depending on how thick, hard, and long your stubble is, you may need to work in small strokes. This is especially helpful with longer stubble. Because even a plane clogs at some point.

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After each puff, turn the slicer over and simply use the unused side. Then, turn the head up briefly so that the blade is loose and hold it under the tap. All shaved stubble is rinsed out and you can start again.

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The two-round technique

You can achieve the cleanest result with this special technique. The Doc is convinced that it won't last any longer because you're spared the constant shaving if you miss a few hairs. Simply pull the planer through from front to back to the nape of the neck. Start with one ear and work your way to the other side. Don't pay attention if you left some stubble. The important thing is that you don't miss a spot.

When you're done, wet your scalp again with a few drops of water and start a second round. This time you will catch all the remaining stubble. Then rinse your head clean with some water and dry it off. Your skull will be perfect and smooth, like a billiard ball!

After shave? Do not you need!

Don't bother trying to disinfect your head with alcohol. This will only dry out your skin and make it prone to irritation. You just scrubbed your skull clean with soap. what more do you want And the oil reduces irritation to a minimum. If anything, a nourishing lotion will do if you're very sensitive. Here I can really recommend a product to you that Bald cream with UV protection and you will throw all aftershaves in the bin!

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And how long does it all take?

With a little practice, the whole thing can be done in a few minutes. Promised! The Doc, for example, manages to shave his entire skull in two minutes.

And now: Load the planer and: Ziiiiieeehhh! Zieeeeehhh! Zieeeeehhh!

Until the next lesson

Dr. Awesome


  • Antu

    Super Tip, hat fantastisch funktioniert, Danke.

  • Martin

    Muss ich unbedingt mal ausprobieren

  • Marco

    Lieber Doc Suche nach einem guten Nachfolger für meinen „billig“ Hobel Was empfiehlt der Dr.?

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