Are you afraid of beard hair loss? dr Awesome takes them to you!

sit, Beardo,
today the doc will deal with your worst fear. He will dig inside you and bring the subject from the depths of your soul onto the lesson plan that you fear most of all. He'll ask you the question that will make you and your beard buddies sweat and keep you from falling asleep: Am I losing too many whiskers?
Take it easy, my little shaggy beard. There's absolutely no reason to fidget in your chair nervously. Simple math is the key here to push your vague fears back to where they came from: Into balding hell!
Why are your beard hairs falling out?
First of all you have to be very brave, beard boy: your beard hair is mortal! The Doc doesn't want to bore you with any superfluous growth phase babble and follicle bubbling. It's all about calculating this nagging fear of loss from your bearded skull.
It is therefore important to know that your beard hair grows like crazy for a certain period of time, then grows a little more slowly and finally falls out on its own because a new hair is pushing up. That's the way things are, Beardo. And there is nothing that could prevent that. Get over it!
How much beard hair loss is normal?
As always applies: One like this, the other like that. The doc won't be able to give you a definitive number. That depends on too many factors. About your beard color, the thickness of your beard hair and the curl.
But the Doc wouldn't be the Doc if he sent you on break feeling insecure.
At this point you can breathe a sigh of relief, little trembling beard. Even if the washbasin is covered with dirt after combing every morning. There is no reason to worry. Promised!
To prove this to you, the doc will now do a calculation example with you. So be careful, then you'll soon be able to calmly comb your mane again without having to count your hair afterwards.
So let's look at the facts. Depending on the growth of the beard, color and disposition, a man has between 10.000 and 30.000 whiskers.
The normal failure is between 20 and 50 hair a day.
The rate at which your beard grows is at per day 0,6 until 0,8 Millimeter.
Now we have everything we need together.
For our calming calculation based on a month, we take a decent full beard with an average length of 10 centimeters and the worst growth values in each case. After all, we want to create a real worst-case scenario here.
A beard hair grows 18.6 millimeters in a month. For a fairly sparse beard with 10,000 hairs, the total growth of all hairs is 186 meters per month.
Now it's getting exciting, because now we have to calculate.
According to the same calculation, a man with 10,000 whiskers and a beard length of ten centimeters loses 155 meters of beard every month.
So we have 155 Meters of fallen hair and 186 meters of hair that grows back. So it always grows back more than falls out.
And while doing so, Dr. Awesome already based on the worst values ever. Your personal invoice is guaranteed to look much better. So you see: You can fall asleep completely relaxed tonight and simply throw the few whiskers in the sink and your comb into the trash can without worrying and uncounted.
For the sake of completeness, however, the doc wants to say: If you ever have the feeling that you are losing a lot of hair or are developing bald spots, have a doctor take a look.
And now off home, little shaggy beard. And don't forget to brush in the evening.
Dr. Awesome
danke für diesen Beitrag, genau das richtige Thema.
Ich halte mein Bartausfall für Stark.
Mein Bartwachstum für schwach.
nach 2 einhalb Jahren komme ich auf 13cm länge!!
Die spitzen werden dunn und der bart ist am ende überhaubt nicht dicht und ich muss ihn kürzen.
ich benutze die teuersten pflegemittel und habe schon soviel versucht.
bin völlig verzweifelt
Haste ein tipp für mich??
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