Gin soda, cold brew coffee, ice tea Offenbach style - stay fresh with Dr. Awesomes Summer Drinks!

GOELDS DIY Drinks Getränke Sommer Idee

Put Beardo,

Today the Doc is taking you on a class trip to unfamiliar realms! Summer can hardly be endured any other way, you hot little beards! So relax. This time it's not about beard oil knowledge, balm composition or the right combing technique, but about the three favorite summer drinks from Dr. Awesome! In his opinion, everyone with a beard should try it once. Making them is very easy. Therefore, you little baggy beards, fill your glasses with ice cubes!

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dr Awesome's unique recipe for iced tea "Offenbach Style"

You've probably tried countless times to make a delicious iced tea and failed miserably every time. But don't worry, the Doc has already done that. Until an Offenbach bartender finally told him the secret of how to properly prepare iced tea. And made from homemade syrup. You hear right, my little doubt beard. Sounds strange at first. But once you've taken that first sip, you'll become Dr. Praise and praise Awesomes Summer Ice Tea! OK, pay attention!

  1. Pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan
  2. Add 10 extremely heaped teaspoons of black tea. dr Awesome prefers to use Turkish tea for this, which is beautifully aromatic and not that expensive
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  3. Add 1 whole kilogram of sugar
  4. Place the mixture on the stove and let it simmer until reduced by about half, being careful not to overcook
  5. Now you pour the brew through a fine sieve into a measuring cup. But be careful, this stuff is hot as hell!

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  6. Now add the fresh juice of five lemons, depending on your taste.
  7. Now you can pour the syrup into boiled, clean mason jars. The syrup will keep for several months in this closed container. Probably even longer.
  8. To drink, dilute just half a finger with ice-cold water. Try it out, the taste is amazing and outshines any iced tea you've bought by miles.
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Gin lemonade with cucumber and lemon

Who does not know it: It should be something refreshing and still kick? dr Awesomes gin lemonade with cucumber and lemon will take you to a whole new level of taste. After your first time, you have to be careful not to have the stuff for breakfast.

  1. For a glass of gin and lemonade, in a mortar and pestle, crush a 2-thumb-thick piece of cucumber and 10 fresh mint leaves to release their liquid.
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  2. Mix the whole thing with 4 cl gin. The Doc likes to use Gin Mare here, but you can also use a classic like the Saphire.
  3. Add 3cl of lime juice and about three teaspoons of sugar to taste
  4. Pour this mixture into a cocktail shaker with plenty of ice and shake well until the thing is ice cold.
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  5. Take a glass full of ice cubes and strain the whole thing into the glass through a tea strainer.
  6. The aesthetes among you can now add a sprig of mint and a slice of cucumber to the glass as a garnish. The Doc likes it too!
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Cold brew coffee on ice!

  1. Take 100 grams of ground coffee (a bit coarser, but filter coffee strength also works) and pour it into a French press (pressurized jug)
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  2. Top up with ice-cold tap water, stir, and place the concoction in the fridge
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  3. After 24 hours your cold brew coffee is ready. Push the plunger down to filter out the powder
  4. Put ice cubes in a glass and pour the deliciously mild and naturally sweet (!!!) coffee over them
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And now off to the kitchen, you little sweaty beards. You deserve a delicious cool down!

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