What's what? dr Awesome's little beard grooming customer
Today we create a real basis for every beard wearer. Because some people don't know what beard oil, beard balm, beard cream and co. are all about.
Everything is oil
No matter what a care product for your beard is called. Whether beard oil, balm or cream: the basis is always oil. That's why you can be sure that no matter which product you choose, you're doing something good for your beard. Sure, there are a lot of products out there that contain alcohol or any chemicals. You'd better keep your hands off it and take the good stuff. For now, it's enough if you make sure that your products only contain natural vegetable oils, vegetable butter and beeswax. You prefer to stay away from alcohol and products with petroleum.
Beard oil - the classic
Bartol is a mixture of different nourishing oils, which are usually combined with an essential oil. Beard oils are most commonly sold in a dropper bottle or in a dosing dropper. The consistency is oily.
The oil's job is to soften and condition your beard hair. It also makes the skin under your beard supple. This way you don't get any dandruff in the first place and prevent eczema.
Beard balm - that Shapes
Beard balm is now available from numerous manufacturers. The special thing about Beard-Balm is that beard oil is usually combined with shea butter and beeswax. The result is a tough, solid mass that becomes liquid when rubbed in the hand and is worked into the beard with the hands.
Balm has almost the same caring effect as pure beard oil, but also gives the beard a certain amount of hold. Due to the wax content, the hair can be shaped a bit and protruding individual hairs are attached.
Beard cream - the exotic
Usually a mixture of water, oil, butter and other ingredients. In order to bring oil and butter into the typical, milky cream consistency, other ingredients are needed, such as emulsifiers, to combine the various different phases. The cream undoubtedly has nourishing and moisturizing properties. However, you should pay very close attention to the ingredients. The substances used there can often dry out the skin or are pure chemicals.
Beard Butter - the caring one
Beard butter is a beard oil that consists largely of shea or cocoa butter and oils. The consistency is firm. However, once the butter is rubbed in the palms of the hands, it has the same consistency as beard oil and can also be worked into the beard in the same way. Some swear by the moisturizing effect of shea butter in particular. It's best if you just try it out for yourself. In any case, the care effect for your skin is at least as good as that of a good beard oil. Beard butter doesn't give you a hold.
Bartwichse - the powerful one
Beard wax should only do one thing: get your magnificent mustache in shape and keep it in position throughout the day. There are different forms of beard wax with different degrees of hardness. The main ingredient is beeswax. Products with a stronger hold, such as the Hungarian Beard Wax, also contain gum arabic, a tree resin that hardens on contact with air but still remains malleable. None of the products has a special, significant care effect. So take some beard oil beforehand.
Pomade - the overrated one
Pomade consists of nothing more than petroleum-based petroleum jelly and wax. This may style the hair, but it's not good for your beard at all. Ditch it and grab a decent beard balm.
The only exception: special beard pomade. It is called that, but the care effect is more like that of the balms and, like these, also offers an extremely good care effect.
And now no one can cheat you anymore!
Doc Awesome
ich wünschte goelds hätte ne anständige Bartbutter! bringt doch endlich mal eine raus…;)
Steht doch genauso im Text, Paddy-Boy! Letzter Satz ;-) Freu mich, dass du dein Rezept gefunden hast.
Ich gebe dir bei allen Punkten Recht. Beim Pomade Teil möchte ich aber gerne ein kleines Veto einlegen. Klar hat Haarpomade nichts im Bart zu suchen. Da ich meine Pflegeprodukte alle selber braue, mache ich mir auch Bartpomade. Diese jedoch nicht auf Vaseline Basis. Hoher Bienenwachs Anteil, Wollwachs ( Lanolin ), Shea Butter und Argan-und Jojobaöl.
Formbar und Halt wie Pomade aber mit pflegenden Eigenschaften ;o)
Du kannst mich jetzt aber auch gerne dahingehend korrigieren indem du es sehr harten Balm nennst ?
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